Update – Changes In E-Rate FY2024 Form 471 Review Procedures

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Update – Changes In E-Rate FY2024 Form 471 Review Procedures

Good afternoon E-Rate Community,

I want to share an update regarding the new E-Rate Form 471 application review procedures (a.k.a. PIA reviews).

One of the new requirements is that URLs must be provided to indicate where data is coming from at the state level, such as enrollment, NLSP counts, and eligible schools.  I’ve worked with USAC’s admin staff to draft a new version of my validation letter that explains the databases typically used, such as EMIS and the Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System (CRRS) used by our cafeterias to report lunch information.  USAC has indicated that the template I provided ‘is an acceptable response format’.  So please let me know if you need a letter from me, however, you have a couple of other options you may want to utilize.

A standard annual requirement in the E-Rate review process is I provide USAC with a copy of our October enrollment, and NLSP counts in the form of the MR-81.  If the counts you entered in the E-Rate portal during the admin window (or provided the information on your Form 471) match what’s in the MR-81, a validation letter is not required from me.  You also have the option to use counts other than the month of October.  In that case, you may provide the reviewer with a copy of the report signed by the school/district individual who generated the report.  Here are a couple of scenarios along with instructions you may use in the PIA inquiry:

Counts Match the MR-81 data and all schools are listed in the report – provide the following language either in the last field of the inquiry where you can provide additional information or upload it as a file such as Word or PDF:

The enrollment and NLSP counts match the information in our state-valid file, the October 2023 MR-81.  The document was generated by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) Office of Child Nutrition (OCN), and is located at https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Student-Supports/Food-and-Nutrition/Resources-and-Tools-for-Food-and-Nutrition/Data-for-Free-and-Reduced-Price-Meal-Eligibility.

Using a Source Document (CEP Data or Counts Not Matching the MR-81) – Upload the signed report used to determine counts, such as a Monthly Site Claim Form or CEP data, and provide the following language either in the last field of the inquiry where you can provide additional information or upload it as a file such as Word or PDF:

Please see the attached source document. It was generated using the Claims Reimbursement and Reporting System (CRRS), managed by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) Office of Child Nutrition (OCN). This is a non-public intranet site located at https://oh.cnpus.com/crrs/Splash.aspx.

As we continue to work through these changes, please let me know if I can assist in any way.  And, please know that I truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we all try to navigate through the changes together.



Lorrie Germann

State E-Rate Coordinator
On behalf of the Ohio Department of Education
Office: 740-223-2420
Cell: 740-253-1153