KReady FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

The most commonly asked questions are separted into the following categories:

Access | Assessment | Loading Data | Reporting | Transfers

Click on the question to read more on each topic.


How do I reset my password?

Opt 1. Go to  and select the Forgot Password option.

Opt 2. Submit a request to your data manager to reset your password.

How do I obtain a teacher account?

Contact your data manager to obtain a teacher account in the KReady system. Contact the Ohio K12 Help should you need assistance with identifying your data manager.

How can I obtain data manager access in the KReady system?

You must first  be identified as a Data Manager in OEDS. Once your are listed you will then need to contact support at Ohio K12 Help  

How can I be assigned the role of assessment data manager in OEDS?

Visit and follow the instructions listed in the Assigning Roles document.

How do I obtain building administrator access to the KReady system?

Building administrator access is provided by your assessment data manager.


How should students be addressed that enter a program toward the end of the assessment window?

The teacher should assess where possible and report the data collected. Additionally, the teacher could connect with the previous school and collaborate with the previous teacher of the student.

In the case when a student is receiving related services without an assigned teacher the specialist or therapist should administer the ELA. 

Additionally, the person who administers the ELA must be certified and complete the required ELA trainings.

No.  Parental consent is not required to administer the ELA.

Do the data managers enter reason codes provided by the teacher?

Teachers will convey the reason codes to the data managers and the data managers will submit the codes to the EMIS coordinator.

Loading Data

How should students be loaded to the KReady System Student template that do not have an SSID?
What can be done if the teacher cannot view students, but the data manager can?

The data manager will need to manually assign the data collection to the student. View this video for steps on how to do this. 

Assigning Data Token Manually.

How can I verify that a student is attached to a data collection?

View the data collections assignments in the KReady System by following this path:

organizations > view districts > view locations > view students > open a student and click the data collection assignments tab.

If the student has the data token assigned it will appear here. You can also pull the Data Download Report – Enrollment – and see if the POA is with your district/school.”

How should I load teachers that provide itinerant services for students in a different district?

The originating district must load the assessing “external” teacher with their current email and license number but use the originating district IRN and building IRN.

Do I need to re-upload my User and Student data for each session of the ELA?
What should be entered on the student template for students that do not have an SSID?


If a student has an NS for an item, does the Item Completion Report shows as an "X" or is it blank? "Should be an "X" since the N is the score?

Yes, NS is considered a score option and the “X” should appear in the Completion by Item Report if NS has been entered for an item.

What is the process for submitting information to the EMIS reporting system?

Data Managers will add scores data to their Student Information System (SIS) and that information will be transferred to EMIS based upon their individual platform process and the EMIS submission guidelines. See the EMIS Manual for more details.

How do I access previous year's data reports in the KReady System as a data manager?

Click the link to view steps for Accessing the Archive

How do I find reports from previous school years?

Data Managers and Administrator can retrieve previous year’s reports by Accessing the Archives. Reports are available only if a report was generated during the previous school year.

Click for steps to accessing the Archives –


How do I process student transfers (to and from) in the KReady System?

Transfer requests are generated when data managers upload the student file using the Bulk Loader. The enrollments file must be loaded if new students have been added to a district and the district needs to assign the students to the new teachers. The templates for adding students and the enrollment file are located in the Bulk Loader section of the KReady System. View this page for details regarding Transfers.

My Internal District Student Transfers are not showing on my transfers page, what should I do?

Internal transfer requests within districts will not appear on the Transfers page. Districts will handle these with their own internal process. The data manager can open the student record and change the Point of Authority (POA) within their own district.

View this page for details regarding Transfers.

How do I transfer a student from one teacher to another in a different building within the same district?

If a student has been added to the system successfully using the enrollment file, you can transfer the student to a new building in the same district by loading the student file with the new school IRN and loading a new enrollment file to assign the student to the new teacher. Be sure to remove the student from the original teacher assignment.

How should I address POA errors?

A Point of Authority (POA) error is typically the result of an incomplete or pending transfer request. Please confirm that transfer requests are cleared and ensure that the requests from other districts have all been approved or declined. It might also be helpful to view this page on the Data Downloads Report – Enrollments to confirm POA status.

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