Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised Updates – Jul 25, 2023

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Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised Updates – Jul 25, 2023

Web banner with a kindergarten aged child holding a first day of kindergarten sign.

Welcome back to a new school year! This message contains information about upcoming training opportunities and a reminder about the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised (KRA-R) administration window for Fall 2023. 


KRA and ELA Data Manager Training
Tuesday, Aug. 1 // 9 – 10:30 a.m. // Zoom Link 

This training for new and returning data managers will prepare you to upload teacher, student, and enrollment data in the Ready for Kindergarten Online (KReady) system so teachers can participate in professional development and administer the KRA and/or ELA.  


In this live virtual training session, you will learn and review:  


  • Information about the KRA and ELA, including the technology system used to support it  
  • What KRA and ELA implementation looks like for this upcoming school year, including any new updates  
  • How to upload teacher, student, and enrollment data through multiple methods  
  • How to handle student transfers within the KReady system  
  • Ways to access KRA and ELA district-level reports  
  • Resources and supports available to you in this role  


KRA-R Administration Window
The administration window for the Kindergarten Reading Assessment Revised is not earlier than the first day of July of the school year and not later than the twentieth day of instruction of that school year.  The KReady system opened on July 1 and will remain open through Nov. 1, 2023, to accommodate differences in district schedules. Nov. 1 is the deadline for teachers to enter data in the KReady system. After the KReady system closes on Nov. 1 at 11:59 p.m., data managers will have until Nov. 9 at 11:59 p.m. to clean up transfer requests.   


Teacher Training
Only kindergarten teachers who have not yet been trained need to complete the initial training on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Revised (KRA-R). Teachers must have an account in the KReady system and complete self-paced online modules and a content assessment in KReady prior to attending a virtual session. Follow the steps outlined in the KRA-R Online Professional Development User Guideto access the modules. Directions and dates of virtual sessions are found on the KRA for Teachers Webpage under Teacher Training. Teachers should only register for one session in STARS. For training questions, contact 


For policy and implementation questions:  

For more information about the KRA-R, please go to the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment website or send an email to 


For technical questions, please contact the Help Desk: 

844-K12-OHIO (844-512-6446)